Sunday, July 18, 2010

well..finally exam is over..and percubaan is coming very soon..*hate
ok...yesterday go to gathering in 槟华,
we arrive early around 20 minute,
we wait until want crazy already...
we all decided want go to Gurney first...ahha
that day's weather not too good*rainy day
so we want wait again=,=*so unlucky
I also don't want say people's bad things*you know I know is ok^^
I like their uniform...ahhhh*super like!!!*go banana
their uniform extremely beauty,and their marching...

when you saw it,u will going so pro..u know??
so neat...and their step too!!!I extremely admire...
and they all like catch a speed!!we all say want learn from them...
that day very frighten us...
we scare all the item is tradisional,
and just our school is modern only...
but finally no,their school( 槟华)sexier than us..

woohh...I think is you saw will got nosebleed...haha!!
yesterday so exhausted...we also gained THE BEST SUPPORTER..high bao!!!

but my target is gained The Best Item...wish can get it!!bless us!!

stop my post here^^

pls:hey guy,cheer up,and look you=)

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